


A 21 day bootcamp created for the woman who is ready to uncover her divine purpose & create a life that truly turns her on!

I know, because I've been there too beautiful. Since uncovering my purpose my life completely changed for the better. Which is why I created Fire & Desire, for you x

Let me guess, you're here because..

You are sick & tired of waking up everyday with the dread of going to a job that doesn't light your soul on fire.

You've recognised that you constantly put your work before your own health, exercise, relationships and it's causing you to burn out quickly. 

You feel like something is missing in your life, a part of you that you crave deeply. 

You want to know the reason as to why you're here on this earth, what gifts and talents you we're born with.

You want to uncover your purpose so you can be of great service in this world.

You want to make a difference in people's lives & create a big difference in your own as a by-product. 

Every single person on this planet is born with a purpose & all the answers lie within your souls blueprint.

fire & desire

Why i created
this program.

Imagine a world where you…

  • Live in alignment to your purpose and truth and make a huge impact in this world because of it.
  • Wake up everyday energised & excited for the day ahead.
  • Your relationships are flourishing because you are in love with your work and it’s no longer something that drains your life force energy.
  • Are rewarded by honouring your purpose, people want to pay you and crave to work with you. And you call in so much prosperity into your life, just by being you.
  • You get to create your own schedule. How much you work, how much you play & revolutionise your life into something you once thought was a dream.
  • Have such a strong intuition you let your inner knowing guide you and the way you share your gifts with the world.

Fire & Desire

21 day protocol

21 modules of work. A new video, practise and teaching each day. 

3 x live masterclass recordings

Lifetime access

Guided Breathwork practise

Hypnosis Reprogramming recordings

Bonus masterclass by Human Design mentor Kirsten Morrison.

To discovering your life's purpose


My Why

Honouring your inner child

The Investigation

The curriculum




We go back to your childhood via hypnosis to see what truly lit you up before someone told you that… “That’s not a real job” or “You’ll never make money doing that – get a real job”. You we’re born knowing your purpose however someone, somewhere or something made you believe that this wasn’t available to you. Here we go back to your truth, under all that programming

First we get clear on WHY you want to uncover your purpose. What is your intention behind following your deepest desires & honouring your divine gifts.

We often overlook the things that come easy to us because we think everyone has this skill too. We remind ourselves that “we’re not that special” when really it’s quite the opposite. We will be putting our detective glasses on today and taking a deep dive into the gifts you already embody but are too blind to see.

We often overlook the things that come easy to us because we think everyone has this skill too. We remind ourselves that “we’re not that special” when really it’s quite the opposite. We will be putting our detective glasses on today and taking a deep dive into the gifts you already embody but are too blind to see.

Surrender to the unknown

It's written in the unknown

Detox & Desire




There is so much magic inside the darkness of the unknown. Surrender the control of your life and let the universe surprise you in the most amazing ways. 

Like you’ve heard me say before… you were BORN with your gifts. They are already within. Day 5 we dive into your Human Design / Natal chart / Myer Brings & Numerology charts to gain clarity on what your purpose really is.

Gain the clarity you need by getting rid of all distractions. Learn how to receive downloads from universal intelligence.

A day in the life


Body leads – Mind Follows




Let your subconscious take you through a day in the life as your next level self.

You are the average of the top 5 people you hang out with…. Ask yourself, is that serving you or keeping you stagnant in where you are?

Here we allow our body to lead us to our purpose. We learn to quiet the mind to allow the true wisdom of our soul to shine.

Victim Consciousness

Embody your fear

Pussy Purpose




Are you addicted to being the victim in your own reality? Are you waiting for someone to come save you from your mess? New flash… they ain’t coming. Step out of your victim state into empowerment with my unique practises.

There’s nothing like meeting your fears head on so they don’t have any power over you… right? Today is all about feeling your fear, acknowledging it but not running from it. Because our fear is only here to keep us safe – it’s here to keep us alive.

Pussy knows… She always knows. Here we connect to your pussy intuition to strengthen your own inner compass that guides you along your path to your purpose. Self trust is the most vital aspect of embodying your truth.

The last nine days are just as juicy but have been left as a surprise for you to enjoy inside!

Human Design Mentor + activator for your unique soul genius



Human Design Mentor






buy now

Fire & desire

21 modules of teachings, powerful transmissions, subconscious reprogramming recordings and embodiment practises all with the higher purpose of guiding you back to yourself

3 x Record masterclasses - Including "using human design to find your purpose by Kirsten Morrison"

Lifetime access to the program + any updates

Absolutely, it's not something I offer to the public but please email to organise your recording.

Can i buy a personalised hypnosis off you?

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns. 

If i have any questions about the program who can i contact?

Absolutely, I'm always updating my courses to make sure that they align with my growth as a teacher. You will be notified with each update.

Will be be updating the content?

No, I ran this course live back in April 2022 however it is now ran as a self paced course.

Is this a live course?





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"Adaptogen kogi try-hard 8-bit kitsch pinterest. Lo-fi kale chips tbh, messenger bag vexillologist iceland butcher chicharrones kitsch four dollar toast everyday carry biodiesel narwhal."


Want to glow up together?


I have created the most in depth + transformational step by step guide on how to heal numbness, activate your energy body + become the most pleasure- filled orgasmic woman today. 

Want to learn how?