glow up


2nd of September 
4pm PDT Vancouver Time

Join the masterclass

Drop the restrictive yoyo dieting. Stop killing your body in the gym. Step away from the beauty enhancements....
And let me show you the power of energy work...

If you want to look and feel your best

The tantrica's and Taoist's have been keeping this a secret for 1000's of years. But I think it's time that I share with you the truth behind becoming the most radiant, pleasure filled orgasmic version of yourself.

Life is too short to spend each day in so much pain and suffering. There is a version of you out there that is glowing with life, that it having the best sex ever and reversing her aging in the process. 

Wanna learn HOW? 

Join the masterclass


secure your spot

  • How to melt away the numbness (and excess weight) 
  • How trauma is really eating away at your body 
  • How to effectively close trauma cycles
  • The Pathway to becoming a Highly Orgasmic Woman 
  • How to build up and store orgasmic energy in your cells 
  • How to redirect your lifeforce energy for healing, pleasure + vitality 
  • Ancient Taoist teachings that will change the way you view healing
  • And how to do all of this in 90 days

What you'll learn

My Before + After

When you look into my eyes on the top photo, you can just see how much pain I'm in. How much trauma I'm holding onto. Would you believe it if I told you that in the top photo I was 20 years old?

So young, but you can see how much my suppressed pain and trauma is just eating away at my body + my soul. I look lifeless and dull. And In my body I felt completely numb. I had no self worth & I was the heaviest (weight wise) I had ever been. I was eating healthy, I was exercising everyday and doing everything right on paper yet still nothing was changing externally. 

Because I was trying to change out of self-hatred, not self-love. 

And to get where I am now, I didn't change what I was eating, I didn't exercise more, I didn't get filler or botox. 

I learnt how to process my trauma + I practiced the ancient energy teachings of Tantra + Taoism.

And now I'm going to be teaching you exactly how I got there, so you can too.  

my before + after




FREE LIVE masterclass

There is a version of you that is glowing from the inside out, so grounded in self love and feeling oh, so orgasmic. 

Do it for yourself and join this masterclass to learn the way. 


Meet your teacher,
Carlie Jade

As a Tantric Hypnotherapist, Carlie blends together the somatics of feminine embodiment with a hybrid blend of hypnosis to create a pathway for women to awaken to their sensuality and pleasure. So many women feel unsafe and disembodied due to past traumas and experiences that have left them in a freeze response. Carlie’s work creates a framework for all women to heal and reclaim their pleasure through subconscious reprogramming & neo tantra practices. She believes that an orgasmic life starts with orgasmic beliefs. And it’s every woman's birthright to get a taste of their own power and reclaim their most wildest feminine expression. This is the art of sexual healing.

Yes, you will receive a link to watch the replay for 5 Days post the live seminar. After that it will be available for purchase. 

Can i watch the replay?


I love that for you! No matter where you are along your journey this is available to all vulva owners. Come as you are beautiful soul.

What If I'm new to this work

Want to glow up together?


I have created the most in depth + transformational step by step guide on how to heal numbness, activate your energy body + become the most pleasure- filled orgasmic woman today. 

Want to learn how?